Weekly Refections

Term 4 week 5
This week we started on the declaration for the year 8 dinner they are looking so cool and it is really fun. Also this week I got a 20/20 in MDR and I and on book 7, at the start I was getting 15 and 16's, so I have gotten a lot better. And also this week we are finishing our book, don't know what we are going to read next we only have 4 weeks left.

Term 4 week 4
This Week we had our writing meeting and I did so good I am really happy with my writing Mrs Hull said I was the only one in my group that was using commas properly, and in reading we have one more chapter and then we have finished the book this week I am Vocab buster, and determination is my word. This week we also did rowing at school Lucy and I are in the boys group so we were on wednesday and it was hard because we had to go from P.E to rowing, I got sore legs after that but is was fun. We have athletes next week on monday, My favourite it long jump.

Week 5 Term 3
This week we had speeches and I got 74/100 so I think I did pretty good. We also did our filming for MADE Award again because the first one wasn't so good because it was to long. on friend we did dads day and daffodil day it was so much fun because dad came and we had to do a stretcher and put a bow with stuff in it on the stretcher and run me and Yvonne did the running and we got 18 seconds the winning team got 13 seconds.

Week 4 Term 3
This week we did our script for MADE awards we are plaining to start filming in week 5 so we can edit in week 6 and then be finished I hope it's going to be fun and cool, in writing we are doing speechs and my speech is about milk in schools I am up to editing so thats good. In reading we are reading the last chapters and then we are going to read layla queen of hearts, and I have finished printing my fish so I am up to my lino print.

Week 3 Term 3
This week we started on our story bored so we are getting closer to finish, it has to be finished by week 7 this term because the MADE awards judging starts week 8 so thats 18th of September (my birthday). In reading we are just past half way in our book and it is really cool its called greyhound of a girl. In art my fish look so cool, they have to be a cartoon fish, so thats good because I am best at downing cartoons.

Week 2 Term 3
This week our group started plaining for the MADE Awards, and we are doing spray on shoes it is going to be so much fun. I also started drawing my fish for art it looks so cool. In MDR I am getting much better because I just moved up a book last week and I wasn't getting so good scores but know I am.

Week 1 term 3
This week was the first week back from the holidays, this week was every long. on Monday me and dad want to go get my lamb for calf club but that isn't till Term 4 I also got my bookemon finished for writing, and it looks really cool. For maths I moved up a book to book 7 its a bit harder but not as hard as I thought, so thats good. for reading we are back and reading gray hound of a girl. in art we are downing lino prints of our face, I am doing my eye. today we hoped into groups and we are making a video of taking photos and entering them into the MADE awards, I my group there is me, Lucy, Yvonne and Hollie we are doing a Commercial it's going to be so much fun.


Week 8 Term 2
This week felt very short to me, with J-rock and everything.
On monday I got all of my AWS finished because I had J-rock on Tuesday, the day off on Wednesday, and Thursday was tech. J-rock was so much fun, but it was a long night and it took for ever to get my her out, we were in the paper for it and at J-rock there was the ASB games, there was a dance comp and to different stacking games.

week 7 term 2
This week we had lots of things on like waka arma. for waka arma we went to hantly collage for the day and we did things like biking, sing, militry training and my favorite the waka, I had a lot of fun that day, and when I got home I was so tired. This week for writing we had to write the middle and end of our story bubbles, and I finished that, in reading we are finished our Dr dog play and we are now reading a book about a girl called mary and a ghost. For art I did the doodle for google, and we enter it in a comp and the winner gets theres put on google. this years theme is, if I was an explorer I would... and I did if I was an explorer I would explorer candy land. I really like my art and my doodle for google. In maths we are doing long devotion with no remainders so that means we go into decimals.

Week 5 Term 2 
This week in art I was doing my paint splat and I am up to doing the background. and on my blog I put my writing of my hero and the hero was my sister and she saw it and commented on my blog. in reading and writing we are performing our play on thursday this week its getting closer and closer I can't wait. in maths I am still all up to date. next week I want to almost have my art finished and I hope I do a good piece of writing for writing club. we are writing about Bubbles.

Week 4 Term 2
This week Mrs hull got me to do a piece of art for a compression and the theme it the face so I did a eye, and zentangled it, and because I am finished it I can start a new one and I going to do a paint splat it looks so cool. We have to weeks till we perform our Dr Dog play to room 12, in maths I am up to date in every thing, and in writing I am up to date to. Next week I would like to start my paint splat. And the Jazz Band are performing on thursday next week so I will hopefully get my performing arts millstone.

Week 3 Term 2
This week we had NYLD and it was so fun I saw lots of people from my dance. My favorite speakers were Cam and Dave they are so funny. As so this week I started my art and Mrs Hull wants me to enter it in a competition and the theme is a face so I am doing the eye and zentangling it, I am almost finished I just have to make it more detailed. In our play Dr Dog we are finished editing and we are now making the props and practicing, We are thinking about performing it after J-rock. It is getting so close to J-rock we are starting to practice all together, and eden is going to be home for it.

Week 2 term 2
This week my writing group and I finished writing the Dr Dog play and editing it and we are starting to make the props and practice. and in maths we are doing algebra I like algebra the best out of them all. In art I have finished my zentangle and I am working on the next one we have to do. In P.E we are doing hockey on a Tuesday, I am pretty good at it.
next week we have NYLD I can't wait!!!

Week 1 term 2
This week was the first week back at school, and for art we are doing zentangles, and I have all ready finished 4, and my writing group are writing a play to perform in front of room 12. We are making it about Dr Dog, the book it is so funny I'm playing Dr Dog. we have also started J-rock and I am a 80's person with yvonne, we are performing in Hamilton in July, I can't wait.

Week 12
This was the last week of school, I finally made it, 12 weeks is to long.
But I got every think finished, and I am reading a new book call Little Manfred, its about war, one of my favorite writers writ it, his name it Michael Morpurgo, he is a really good writer, and in Writing this week we did a news paper about a circus coming to our school, and in reading we finished the book, long way home, and in the holidays on Tuesday I am going to hamilton from a Dio interview.

week 10
this week on friday Mr fraser came and took mrs Hulls place for the day, we also had a quiz its just like the quiz tight I went to with mum but they had 100 questions and at school we only had 50. And I also got my writing and reading and maths finished. I also finished my art thats under week 9's refection, its now colorful and bright. next week I am hopping to get every thing finished and get my term 1 highlights up on my blog.

Week 9
Last week we had are short we because we had good friend off and Easter Monday and Easter Tuesday, On Thursday it was Teah but it was a bit different because instead of going to the collage the teachers came to us to see what we do and how we do it.

I as so finished my art...

Week 8
This week I got all my maths finished, we had lots because everyone in my maths group did the wrong maths book work so we had to do a lot of work.
For writing I got I got everything finished and this week we are now writing a poem and you get to chose out of three theres My family, sadness and the basketball. But instead of the basketball I did the Netball.
For reading this week I got my role finished and it looks really cool, I was word master and I worked very hard on it so it would be ready and it is I can't wait to show everyone.
YAY I got my art finished and its going up in the office.
I had a great week this week!!!

Week 7 term 1
This week we had camp it was a lot of fun.
We went to Taupo.
My favorite thing was action world and rafting, In rafting I was  captain and I wasn't very good, I got us stuck in a tree.
on the way back my car group got to come back in the van with the instructor  but they took us to the wrong place so Mrs Harris had to ring Mr O'Neil to come get us.

Week 6 term 1
This week I am really proud of my writing because it in about a photo and I described it really well and I have gotten all my maths finished for this week and on a Wednesday I got to mums class and 11.45 to 12.40 to help with blogging its a lot of fun.
I have also finished all of my art and it looks really really cool I have also been reading lots at school and that's because I curl up on the couch in room 9 and read.

Week 5 Term 1
This week we had swimming sports and I think I did really good and on Tuesday week did our relays because we didn't have time on Monday.
This week I also finished everything that needed to get finished like my writing, we have to write a recount about what has happened this year as if it has already happened.
We also did art and we started sketching leaders.


  1. It is great to see you completing all of your learning activities Maddison. Managing your learning is an important part of being an independent life long learner. Remember that you can always do more writing, reading and maths - the more you do, the better you get!! Take every opportunity to aim high and achieve!!

  2. Good to see you are continuing to reflect on your learning. remember to find some time to fit in more literacy and keep challenging yourself to do even better and improve all of the time :)
